AWS 101

unpublished draft

AWS global infrastructure:#

Basic service:#


Amazon VPC enables you to provision an isolated section of the AWS Cloud. In this isolated section, you can launch resources in a virtual network that you define. Within a virtual private cloud (VPC), you can organize your resources into subnets. A subnet is a section of a VPC that can contain resources such as Amazon EC2 instances.

Inside a VPC, network can be organize as subnet. And usually useful for separate the request flow. For Ex: public subnet have access to Internet Gateway while private one do not.

However, It also could be useful for authorize request by using Network ACL(Access control list), which attach to subnet to accept or block request based on request origin, how they tried to communicate,... They are stateless.

For instance level security network level, Security group come into place(every EC2 instance established default coming with a Security group). They are stateful and default block all request.

Khanh Nguyen

Web developer & .Net lover