Oauth, OpenId and PKCE in simple form

Khanh Nguyen • 30 April 2022 • 


Why should I read about Oauth ?

In containerize era, there'll be a gap between basic authentication, cookie session and Jwt. As how to solve them as the request was load balancing between various backend instance(or we would sacrifice high availability benefit somehow).

Therefore, is the some fundamental mechanism that we could use to overcome the issue ?

That's just one of various benefit of Oauth, an open standard for authorization and anyone can implement it. Ofcourse, the most convenience way would be using some famous library for each programing language. Unless you would like to make a multi millions dollars out of it(then this article was clearly not for you... loll).

I'm not gonna compare the benefit and downside of this standard comparing to others traditional way. But in most case we should adapt to the standard that widely accepted by almost every modern services and systems.

In this article, we'll focus on OpenId, Authorization code flow and Authorization code flow with PKCE.

Overview of Oauth

Opinionated best describe, easy to understand Oauth overview so far. Highly watching recommended.

Some useful terminology#

Authorization code flow

Authorization code flow

Simplified the consecutive flow would look like: User -> Client -> Authorization Server -> Authorization Code returned at the redirect URI -> Client exchange the code to access token with Authorization Server (which cannot protect Clietn credential) -> Access token were returned to Client -> Attach the token to access targeted resource.

This could be done entirely on front-end side, which the Resource Server trust and using the same Access Token as Authorization Server provided. But this mechanism required the client secret (which is kind of Client credential by raw Client app Id and secret to be store on the client side, also mean no secure way to protect them).

Authorization code flow with back-channel

Simplified the consecutive flow would look like: User -> Client -> Authorization Server -> Authorization Code returned at the redirect URI -> Client send the Authorization Code to backend side -> Backend side attach the Client Credential and exchange the Access token with Authorization Server -> Access token were returned to backend side -> Backend side return the Access Token to Client -> Attach the token to access targeted resource.

We could resolve this issue by secure the Client credential on the backend side, which mean the client would pass the Authorization code to backend side and it would attach the Client credential then exchange the Access Token for the Client. That way, Client credential is secured.

Authorization code flow with PKCE

Understanding the Authorization code flow was fundamental, PKCE is just an additinal ingredient that make the whole flow more secure.

Let's say we have a mechanism that could generate a code_challenge from a code_verifier (they both usually is just a string), that both client and server understand. Then the flow now would look like:

Pretty much the same as classic Authorization code flow, and to secure client credential would also be the same when using back-channel(backend side involve, code_challenge and code_verifier was still generated by client and code_verifier would be pass to backend-side when it exchange for Access Token).

OpenId Connect

So far, we just saw the whole flow serving authorization purpose but not the authentication purpose. Then to separate these 2 purpose. There's a subset of standardized implementation called OpenId appear. Which provide the additional specific definitions:

Open Id connect

As we can see, the flow was pretty much the same as Authorization Code Flow, except for the target Client was asking here is Id Token not Access Token.


That's it, three flow but mostly the same so far. Just remember to understand clearly Authorization Code Flow, we can approach others flow easily. Including some others we're not mention here like Implicit flow and Client credentials flow.

Happy coding!

Khanh Nguyen

Web developer & .Net lover